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Sarah & Gerry at Bear Creek Retreat

Sarah and Gerry were married on December 3rd, 2022.

Black and white image of tying up wedding dress back
Bride happy covering mouth during family first look

Quaich cords and paper note
Black and white dog sitting in grass
Groom walking mother down the isle

Bride walking down isle with family
Bride and groom hold hands

Close up of hands during cord tying ceremony
Bride and groom kiss at end of aisle
Hand and cords on grooms shoulder

Groom smiles at bride
Bride smiles at groom

Groom sits in chair while bride stands next to him
Black and white image of G & S light up sign
Bride and groom nose to nose in front of arch silhouette
Bride and groom stand on steps to large house silhouette
Bride and groom cut white cake with bats
Bride and groom sparkler exit


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